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Compensation Plan
Compensation Plan in a Nutshell
Member Joining Levels
Silver Member: Qualifications are when you purchase a Classic Device, IONShield Pendent or 7 Wonders Water Bottle.
Gold Member: Qualifications are when you purchase a Premium Device or any 3 products from the Silver range.
Diamond Member: Qualifications are when you purchase a Pro Device or Bio Device or any 10 products of the Silver range.
Your member level is dependent on the package you buy, it is not determined by your sales volume. To upgrade to the Gold or Diamond Membership you must purchase the Gold or Diamond Package as an upgrade in your back office.
Rankings (Mangers, Directors, Ambassador) are achieved separately through Group Sales Volume.
Business Maintenance Fee
You now only need to pay the Monthly Maintenance Fee for the team bonus payouts – the first 3 Bonus Levels are paid out regardless of whether the fee is paid or not.
To receive your Direct Sponsor Bonus, Product Points & Level Pairing Bonus you do not need to have your maintenance fee paid.
To earn the Group Pairing & Matching Bonus you must have the fee paid. You can begin paying your fee at anytime, you will not be back charged for any missed months. You can start and stop payment your maintenance fee at any time – you are not locked into anything.
For those paying their maintenance fee it needs to be paid before the end of each month. If you miss this cut off time you will just need to pay for two months upfront and then monthly from then onwards.
You will receive a complimentary maintenance period when you first purchase your device – please check your countdown timer on your home page to see when this ends.
How Much Commission do you Earn?
This gives you a breakdown of the commission earned on every sale you make and is not dependent on your current member level – the commission is determined on the type of package you sell… based on USA sales.
When you sell a Silver Package:
$20 – Direct Sponsor Bonus
$70 – Product Points
$80 – Level Pair when you match the left & right leg
When you sell a Gold Package:
$60 – Direct Sponsor Bonus
$240 – Product Points
The level pair amount depends on what you are pairing it with $80 if it’s a Silver or $240 if it’s another Gold or a Diamond.
When you sell a Diamond Package:
$200 – Direct Sponsor Bonus
$1000 – Product Points
The level pair amount depends on what you are pairing it with $80 if it’s Silver, $240 if it’s Gold or $800 if it’s another Diamond.
and remember whatever goes into your Bonus Wallet (Sponsor Bonus & Level Pair Bonus) 20% of this is taken out and transferred to your Bonus Redemption Wallet.
The two other bonuses – Group Pairing Bonus & Matching Bonus – is a % earned from your Team’s Sales, the amount you earn is now dependent on YOUR Current Package as a member:
Group Pairing Bonus is a % of your group volume paid out on the lesser leg.
Matching Bonus is a % of your Group Pairing Bonus.
There are also two other bonuses earned based on the Monthly Maintenance fee – the $30 monthly fee once paid is transferred directly to your Bonus Redemption Wallet (Product Points) which can be used for purchasing more products. PLUS you also receive a Maintenance Payout or the Unilevel Bonus which is a % earned on the 21PV of the maintenance fee of you and your team.
There are 6 Bonus Level Payouts:
1. Direct Sponsor Bonus – paid out on each sale
2. Product Points – paid out on each sale
3. Level Pairing Bonus – paid out on each level pair
4. Group Pairing Bonus – percentage paid out on the weaker leg from your team’s sales
5. Matching Bonus – a percentage of your Group Pairing income
6. Unilevel Bonus – a percentage paid out on your and your team’s maintenance fees of 21PV
All commissions are paid out daily into your back office and can be withdrawn once a week.
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